Thursday, February 21, 2008

A big update

First, and probably most important, I found this on Yahoo!.

The caption says: "NASA-released ultraviolet image of the sun. The big news: Earth is doomed to fry and then be gobbled up by the dying Sun." This sounds pretty bad.

Also, I want to show you my new rug.

I went out and bought this rug just so that when the physical therapist came to visit Anne Marie, there would be a good place for her to practice crawling and show what she could do(we have carpet in the basement too, but usually, people mostly visit upstairs).

Sadly, the appointment that I thought was a physical therapist coming to do an evaluation was actually another paperwork appointment, where they asked a bunch of questions concerning Anne Marie's abilities. It was easy when the woman was here, but it was a bit harder when she called back with the results. In most things, Anne Marie is normal, although she is a bit low on communication skills. In physical development, it turns out she is 7 months behind, meaning she is at the equivalent of a six-month old in terms of motor skills. I knew she was a bit behind, but when I heard that yesterday, it just about devastated me.

I know I was being silly - I know my daughter is smart, sweet and funny, and she will eventually catch up, but it's still tough. I think you always worry about your child, no matter how many times people tell you not to.

So I guess there will be a physical therapist calling next week to do another evaluation and set up a plan. Hopefully, she just needs a little boost. She is actually getting a little faster at her version of crawling every day. I'm going to try to figure out how to put up a video.

1 comment:

  1. so the pt in my house said "ok, she'll get on track" with no hint of "WHAT?!" in his voice. :) so there is hope. she will catch up- and all that time that she didn't spend on the physical stuff, she was probably spending on mental, so she's ahead.
    shane just said "there's no difference in kid's ability to play high school sports based on meeting developmental milestones." so she's still headed for rugby or cross country or whatever!
