Saturday, May 3, 2008


It's been awhile, so I thought I'd do a general update.

First, this is how we celebrated May Day. What the heck? I'm a snow lover, but this is getting to be a bit much.

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In other icky news, I took Anne Marie to the doctor today and got antibiotics for her DOUBLE ear infection and eye infection. She was not a happy camper last night or this morning. Hopefully tonight we'll all sleep.

In funny news, Anne Marie LOVES artichokes. I steamed some for dinner last night because Matt was coming home late, and I figured Anne Marie could eat earlier. I didn't think artichokes were baby-eating friendly. I guess the concept of ripping artichoke flesh off with her teeth was fun, though, so she ended up having two dinners last night.

Also, my peas are finally coming up. There might be hope for spring after all.


  1. Artichokes???? Crazy!!! I saw that it snowed - it's MAY!!! I wonder if it will snow Memorial? Speaking of...can't wait to see you guys!!!

  2. i can't believe she eats artichokes! send her this way- maybe she can convince kellen to do that!

    TOOO TOOOO TOOOOO much snow. it's so not fair. yesterday was beautiful, though- so is today. maybe it'll be spring after all!
