Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pioneer woman and belly photos

First, some whale photos. I'm actually losing weight every time I go to the doctors, but she says the belly is still growing fine- my only problem is that it is now taking up my entire pelvis and lap at precisely the same time Anne Marie has a renewed love of being rocked in the rocking chair. The first is 35 weeks. Second is 31 weeks. Matt got the first one out of focus- how does that happen with auto focus? The rest of the 35 week ones I tried to take myself and messed up even worse.

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

Also, I'm feeling like a pioneer woman these days. We've been lucky enough to have someone supplying us with eggs from their chickens in exchange for Matt's homemade beer (how pioneering is that- eggs from chickens AND the bartering system?) and we're subsisting on elk meat from Matt's brother and dad. It's saving a ton of money! I suppose we'd be more pioneering if we raised the chickens/slaughtered the elk, but I'm still pretty excited.


  1. sweet deal! i need to find something i can barter...
    i love the pictures! and seriously- you're losing weight while pregnant?! that's amazing. i think i just look at anything to eat and zoom- there goes my weight. it is certainly not all going to cowbud.
    you are so close!!! and so cute. any news on the vbac options?

  2. You look wonderful, Emily! I really like your black dress! I can't believe it is already next month!! WOW! Bartering is awesome! I want chickens! If I ever get them and we are back in Poky - you can help with those eggs too!

  3. Jeni, I love the name cowbud! I have gained weight- I'm just losing now. I'm still hoping to vbac. I think the only thing I can do now is hope that I don't have to fight anybody. :) Thanks for the chicken offer, Denise. I'm terrified of chickens, so I'll never have my own.
