Monday, September 7, 2009

Thomas- the first half year

From this:
From Thomas Michael

To this:

From Thomas six months

Let me just say- it's been a good six months.

To update, Thomas is healthy, happy and chubby. At his last check up, he was in the 79th percentile for weight, and the 19th for height. So, like Winnie the Pooh, he's short, fat and proud of that. Still no teeth yet, or even any sign that they might be coming.

He's also going crazy wanting to move- he gets on his hands and knees and rocks, but then he just dive bombs. His latest trick is army-crawling to me, pulling to a stand using my legs as support, then letting go. Of course, he can't stand on his own so he crashes.

Thomas and his sister are still getting along famously, most of the time. Anne Marie has decided that Thomas now is old enough to fight on occasion, but the times they spend sitting there giggling make up for it.

From Thomas six months


  1. He is getting so big....miss seeing you every week and hope you are all doing well!

  2. They are so precious!!! I miss you all so much.
