Friday, April 30, 2010

I've been cheating, but I think I'll do it again

I want to post to my blog more often, but in order to do that, I have to cheat with all those wonderful, pre-made posts I'm finding reading other people's blogs. I found a really funny, wonderful blog recently here:

She has a five question Friday. So here it goes:

1. If you could, would you go back to high school?

No, I don't think so. Honestly, it was busy and filled with a roller coaster of glorious bliss and total angst. Who really wants to return to teenage emotions? Mostly, it was really busy. I was the yearbook editor, ran track and cross country, played soccer, ski patrolled, did church youth group stuff, played violin very poorly and referreed soccer games. After a schedule like mine, I can tell you, the first year of college, I did nothing but work, school and play.

2. If a genie appeared and granted you two wishes, what would they be? (And, no saying "more wishes".)

Wish #1: Money, money money.:) I don't need a lot — just enough to comfortably stay home and play with my kids all day, and take a trip once or twice a year. And maybe enough to buy a bigger kitchen.

Wish #2: It sounds silly and corny, but I would wish for free, quality health care for everyone on this planet, without any emotionally-charged political struggles or arguing. I don't have to worry about the logistics. It's a wish from a genie. But, regardless of how any government works, or what kind of funding is involved, I think everyone should have the right to living healthy, happy lives, and receive the best care possible, regardless of where they come from or what company they work for. I'm talking about in the U.S., where people every day, even in our state, are not receiving the health care they need, but I'm also talking about those in other countries, who can't receive proper medical treatment for even basic ailments because of political unrest, lack of money or a society with views that prohibit women from receiving proper care.

My wish is probably a bit deep, but once I got going, I couldn't stop.

3. What kids show do you secretly like?

We don't have television anymore, but we do have Netflix. I LOVE Charlie and Lola. Sadly, Anne Marie doesn't like it. Of the ones she likes to watch, I think Phineas and Ferb is hands-down the best. Anne Marie LOVES Caillou, and, while I can't argue with the message, his voice makes me a little crazy.

4. What is your beverage of choice?

Right now, it's Kirkland brand diet sweetened green tea. I'm also a big fan of chocolate milk.

5. What is something that you would change about yourself (or are working to change in yourself)?

I'm trying to lose weight and get back to the healthy body I once had.


  1. I love your second wish, especially the part about it being able to be done in a non-political way.

  2. Charlie and Lola is such a cute show! I love her pink milk.

  3. I LOVE Charlie & Lola! Forgot all about it.

    I also like your health care wish, everyone should be able to receive free and equal care anywhere in the world.

    Glad to find your blog!
