Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Crawling update

Before anyone gets too excited, Anne Marie isn't quite up on her hands and knees yet. But she is definitely getting closer! She now can get up on her hands and knees, then she uses her legs to catapult onto her stomach so she can army crawl.

But, if my pediatric physical therapist friend's predictions are correct, she might not worry too much about crawling, and isn't as delayed as she seems. She has good balance, and when she is standing against something, she has no problem pivoting arolund to look at something, which I guess is a good sign.
I was over at my friend's house last night to see her new baby and bring them dinner, and she asked about the infant/toddler referral. She told me sometimes the program takes awhile to kick in, and showed me some exercises to help Anne Marie walk. She said Anne Marie is actually quite close to being able to walk, and was just missing something-centric strength (I can't remember what she called it). She showed me how to move her legs for her, and some exercises that will make Anne Marie bend her legs. Right now, she just stiffens them up whenever she tries to use them.

I think people are more excited about this girl crawling then they are about a kid first walking. At playgroup yesterday, the people who watch the babies while the parents talk told me they had to take off her shoes so she could "crawl all over the place." They are thrilled with her army crawl and her brief moments on hands and knees. It feels really great to see people cheering her on like that.


  1. Yeah! I am so glad to hear she is progressing and that you have such a fantastic support group!

  2. go baby a.m.!!! :) i'm so excited she's moving forward and upward (quite literally) and that you have a support system. i wish i could be there to see her toddling around!
