Friday, April 30, 2010

I've been cheating, but I think I'll do it again

I want to post to my blog more often, but in order to do that, I have to cheat with all those wonderful, pre-made posts I'm finding reading other people's blogs. I found a really funny, wonderful blog recently here:

She has a five question Friday. So here it goes:

1. If you could, would you go back to high school?

No, I don't think so. Honestly, it was busy and filled with a roller coaster of glorious bliss and total angst. Who really wants to return to teenage emotions? Mostly, it was really busy. I was the yearbook editor, ran track and cross country, played soccer, ski patrolled, did church youth group stuff, played violin very poorly and referreed soccer games. After a schedule like mine, I can tell you, the first year of college, I did nothing but work, school and play.

2. If a genie appeared and granted you two wishes, what would they be? (And, no saying "more wishes".)

Wish #1: Money, money money.:) I don't need a lot — just enough to comfortably stay home and play with my kids all day, and take a trip once or twice a year. And maybe enough to buy a bigger kitchen.

Wish #2: It sounds silly and corny, but I would wish for free, quality health care for everyone on this planet, without any emotionally-charged political struggles or arguing. I don't have to worry about the logistics. It's a wish from a genie. But, regardless of how any government works, or what kind of funding is involved, I think everyone should have the right to living healthy, happy lives, and receive the best care possible, regardless of where they come from or what company they work for. I'm talking about in the U.S., where people every day, even in our state, are not receiving the health care they need, but I'm also talking about those in other countries, who can't receive proper medical treatment for even basic ailments because of political unrest, lack of money or a society with views that prohibit women from receiving proper care.

My wish is probably a bit deep, but once I got going, I couldn't stop.

3. What kids show do you secretly like?

We don't have television anymore, but we do have Netflix. I LOVE Charlie and Lola. Sadly, Anne Marie doesn't like it. Of the ones she likes to watch, I think Phineas and Ferb is hands-down the best. Anne Marie LOVES Caillou, and, while I can't argue with the message, his voice makes me a little crazy.

4. What is your beverage of choice?

Right now, it's Kirkland brand diet sweetened green tea. I'm also a big fan of chocolate milk.

5. What is something that you would change about yourself (or are working to change in yourself)?

I'm trying to lose weight and get back to the healthy body I once had.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


My photos always are. I don't have photoshop on my home computer, and I like to look at my photos and see it the way it actually happened anyway. Anyway, I came across a blog with Raw(e), a blog carnival where people can share their photos, straight from the camera. The theme was red, and it immediately brought me back to this. It was two years ago, Anne Marie's first Christmas. I had set her up to try to get a nice Christmas photo, and gave her a candy cane so she would be smiley. Rosa the dog totally licked it, right after licking her.

From 10 months and Thanksgiving

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tiny man

OK, so I didn't start posting every day. Maybe I'll shoot for at least a few times a week.

Anyway, I heard the sweetest conversation on my way to work this morning:

Thomas: dooggggieee, dogggiiieeee, agee, pbtttthhhhhh (blowing raspberries)

Anne Marie: Thomas, you be careful what you say, little boy. Say, "Thomas," or "Mama" or "Papa" or "Anne Marie." You have to use real words, tiny man.

Thomas: Pbtthh (more raspberries)

We've called Thomas many names, but never tiny man. I like it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A fun family trip

Hey, maybe I am on a roll and can start posting something every day. We shall see, I guess. :)

We just got back this week from a trip to Albuquerque, NM to meet our adorable new Godson, Gordon, and his sweet brother Luke.

From Fun with the Frandsens

Aren't they adorable? Gordon is on the right, Luke on the left.

It isn't very often that we get to take trips like this that aren't strictly for or with extended family, so we REALLY made it count. There were 1,700 miles in the car, two national parks, two zoos, three swims in two swimming pools, four hotels, hiking, church and a double baptism and a sweet baptism party.

On the first day, we went to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake on our way to Green River, UT. It's one of my favorite zoos.

From Albuquerque

The next day, we went to Arches National Park. As always, it was super-awesome. Anne Marie hiked about 5 miles! I was very impressed.

From Albuquerque

From Albuquerque

From Albuquerque

The kids loved the sandbox atmosphere at Arches.

From Albuquerque

From Albuquerque

Then it was off to Albuquerque for the main event — Luke and Gordon's baptism.

From Albuquerque

What a cute, happy family!

Of course, we hit another zoo.

From Albuquerque

And the kids got their first of what will be many photos together.

From Albuquerque

Thomas also loved seeing his godmother, Denise (and of course godfather Greg- not pictured. :) ) again.

From Albuquerque

On the way home we made a totally unplanned stop at Chaco Canyon National Historical Park. It was well worth the 15 miles of dirt road it took to get there. Can you believe these buildings were made in 850 AD?

From Albuquerque

From Albuquerque

From Albuquerque

Anne Marie got awfully thirsty on the trip. Before you report me to the authorities, it should be noted that she actually only had a sip of her papa's drink.

From Albuquerque

Thursday, April 22, 2010

One pound at a time

1 lb at a time

I guess it's confession time. I don't have to confess that I have some weight to lose. That's pretty much a given. But, to get to my appropriate BMI, I need to lose a lot- about 110 pounds. I've been doing Weight Watchers, but not as vigilantly as I should. Since tonight is a weigh-in, I decided it was a good time to link up to a challenge sponsored by "This Mommy Works."

So, here are my goals. It's an eight-week challenge:

1. Eat my six fruits and vegetables every day.
2. Exercise three times per week.
3. Lose at least 10 pounds in those eight weeks.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A cold, cold Easter

It's been a cold, cold spring. And, although I saw tiny buds on my willow tree today, we're still waiting for any leaves to appear on trees, or even a bit of green in our lawn.

But, Idahoans are tough, right? It turns out, I overestimated my state. This is a photo of Anne Marie and Thomas, excited for their first commercially Easter egg hunt.

From Easter

There were two hunts in town the day before Easter, both at the same time. One was sponsored by a real estate company, the other by the local Elks Lodge. We drove by the real estate one and saw massive amounts of children. I got a little scared and decided we'd go to the Elks Lodge. We drove across town to the egg hunt site, where there was no one. It had been cancelled. Granted, the wind was blowing about 40 miles per hour, and there was a mini snowy lake in the parking lot, but it was little consolation as I drove a sobbing 3-year old home without Easter eggs.

Luckily for us, the next day looked much better. The snow melted, we hunted our own eggs and also went to an excellent, not-crowded egg hunt sponsored by a fraternity on campus.

From Easter

We also spent the afternoon geocaching for the first time. I was amazed to find there were at least 5 caches within less than a mile of our house. It was an adult Easter hunt of sorts.

From Easter