Thursday, November 6, 2008


I actually got on here to post something deep, but it seems like just the act of logging in makes me feel better enough to not go deep. Jeni posted three things she is graeful for on her blog, and she's planning on doing it every day in November. What a good idea! Here goes:

1. I'm grateful I have a child who isn't an early bird.

2. I'm grateful that, thus far, both Thomas Garbanzo and I are healthy and happy.

3. I'm grateful for a quote I read today that made me feel better about my constant crying and giggling. "Oh honey, it's alright you cryin' and don't know why. Sometimes when a pregnant woman is cryin' over nothin', she cryin' for her baby because it can't cry yet, and when she laugh over nothin' she laugh for her baby all happy in there." The quote made me cry, then it made me laugh. :)

1 comment:

  1. i love that quote. so true. :) thomas garbanzo. i crack up every time!
