Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another reason to be suspicious of the medical profession

Why am I still here, sans baby, you ask? You might as well ask- everyone does. :)

Normally, being overdue wouldn't be a big deal. It happens to a lot of people. But on Saturday, Feb. 21, the day after my due date, I had contractions. They were pretty good ones, for about an hour, then nothing. Every day since, I have had 1-2 hours of contractions, then nothing. I'm getting pretty dang tired.

But on Tuesday, there was hope. I went to the midwife appointment. She said I was 4.5 centimeters dialated or a "stretchy 5." I was also 75 percent effaced, the baby was in my pelvis and she said my cervix was "soft as butter." She told me there was no way I would last the night without going into labor. She told me not to even make my next prenatal appointment. She also predicted the baby would be at least 9 pounds, and labor would be fast since I've already done half the work. I should have been more suspicious. :)

So here I am, almost Friday and no baby, no scheduled doctor appointment next week. Still I get 1-2 hours of contractions per day, and still it stops. My stomach muscles feel like they are slowly running a marathon. Last night my mother and grandmother sat around panicking that I wouldn't make the 45 minute drive, and so finally, Matt, Anne Marie and I drove to her house to await the labor they were both sure would come. We stayed most of the day today, Thursday, did some aerobic walking to induce labor and still, nothing. Dumb. So we drove back tonight, saying that, with our luck, labor will start at 4 a.m. and we'll be back. Honestly, that would be fine with me. I'm ready to be done. It's not the overdue that bothers me. It's the uncertainty.

1 comment:

  1. oh man, emily- i hope this baby comes out soon! that's torture! and i agree- i think the physical stuff, while painful and not fun, is easier than the not knowing WHEN this kid is going to get out!!

    it sounds like progress! but wow- i wish i had something i could tell you to make it go faster. good luck and may the force be with you!
