Monday, July 20, 2009

Four months of fun

It seems like the babyhood of a second baby goes by much faster than the first. I can’t believe Thomas is four months old already! Actually, he is already four months, 4 weeks. I will have to write a 5-month old post in another week or two.
Thomas has been busy in his four months. First on the list- performing a complete and utterly amazing personality change. When he was born, I wasn’t sure if we would make it. Now, he belly laughs whenever someone even looks at him, and is laid-back enough for us to take him just about anywhere.
From massacre rocks and fourth of july

Thomas has also been busy on the moving front. He’s sitting up full-time now, and just the other day he rolled onto his belly, stuck his legs under himself and got on his hands and knees. He’s going to be off and running soon.
From Thomas 4 months

He’s also eating solid foods- a lot of them. Most babies start out with a little bit at a time. Thomas took one bite of baby cereal, then immediately demanded that I feed him the whole bowl. It’s been that way ever since. I know you they say 4-month olds don’t really need solid food, but this kid does. He rips lunch meat out of my sandwich and tries to stuff it in his mouth. He is desperate.
From Thomas 4 months

Anne Marie and Thomas are still getting along famously- she thinks of her brother as one of her toys, and is fiercely protective of him. And he absolutely adores her. When she walks across a room, Thomas’s eyes follow her the entire time. When she looks at him, he gives her a giant, full-body smile. When he cries, Anne Marie rushes to his aid. I hope they stay the wonderful friends they are today.

From massacre rocks and fourth of july

In his first four months, Thomas has also had a lot of names. The ones that have stuck are the ones Anne Marie has given him. For a long time, she called him Toe. Now, she has stopped, but Matt and I still called the poor little man by that silly name.
Now, Anne Marie prefers T-bro and T-uck for names. He is also known as Tom, Tom the piper’s son, T-Bone, T-Rod and many more.
We’re learning a little more about his personality as well. He loves hiking, and can go in the back or front pack. He loves the fresh air. He really doesn’t like to sleep during the day, but most of the time he sleeps through the night. I think he doesn’t want to miss one bit of potential action.
From Shoshone Falls


  1. He is so cute Emily! And what a go getter! I love his love for food and for that in general! Hope you are all doing well!

  2. What a wonderful post! So glad to hear that Thomas loves the outdoors so much and that he and Anne Marie get along so well. Hope you guys are doing great. We miss you and hope to talk soon.
