A birthday message for Thomas:
On Feb. 26, 2009, 11 p.m., you made your wish to come into this world known with a sharp contraction. Then, only two minutes later, another. I woke up after having a dream that I was having twins because it hurt on both sides.
Needless to say, we hurried to make the 45-minute journey as short as possible. You were trying to come quickly.
You were thwarted. After eight hours of “almost there,” you still weren’t almost there. You came, via c-section, Feb. 27 at 7:27 a.m. You were a big 9 pounds, with dark hair and eyes.
From the beginning, you were alert and bright-eyed. Little did I know that those bright, alert eyes would stay bright and alert day and night, even from the beginning. Most newborns sleep — you didn’t. I guess you didn’t want to miss anything.
You still would rather not sleep. But it’s been a big year for you, so I guess I can understand why you feel you haven’t had time to sleep. You’ve learned to walk, and even almost run. You’ve met your sister, and the two of you are becoming friends. I love how you follow her around, imitating her, even throwing your arms in the air and screaming when she throws a fit. It drives her crazy — I think it’s adorable.
A year ago, I was still trying to figure out where you would fit in our little family. Now I can’t imagine our family without you. You are the sweetest cuddler, grabbing on to our shoulders and giving the best hugs. Your kisses, usually followed by a bite, are still a little scary, but I think you’ll get the hang of it. ☺
I love the way you dance to music, and even the way you completely empty my cupboards whenever we’re in the kitchen, and the bookcase whenever we’re in the living room. You do the work with such a determined look, I don’t want to stop you.
We’re so lucky to have you here in our family — heck, the world is lucky to have you here. We love you. Happy birthday!