Sunday, December 30, 2007

So much to tell!

I've been out of commission for awhile, but now I'm back again. Merry late Christmas! It was a fun one for us, even though Anne Marie got some kind of stomach bug, and threw up several times, dirtying four outfits, two that said "Baby's First Christmas." Anne Marie absolutely loved the mirror/sound system thingy we got her. She just sits in front of it and bops for as long as we let her. She can move in time to the music too! Here's the thingy:

She can move in time to the music too. Today we were in Burger King, and she was dancing to the background music, and this guy was laughing. She turned her head, waved and gave him a wink. Her winks are hilarious. She closes both eyes really tight, then opens one. I haven't been able to get the whole thing on camera, but here's what it looks like pre-wink. The horrible scratch on her chest was inflicted by her mother trying to take her coat off in the dark at day care. It looks awful!

Also for Christmas, Anne Marie got totally decked out for snow fun. She got two pairs of mittens, two hats, goggles, scarf, snow boots, and, best of all, a sled. We're planning on snowshoeing this week to try it out, and we've taken it for a few spins in the backyard.

From Christmas and...

From Christmas and...


  1. Love the pictures!! I'm glad you enjoyed a good holiday - I can't believe how big Anne Marie has gotten. I hope you've already warned Matt that if she's winking at boys at her age, her teenage years are going to be mighty interesting :)

  2. so cute!!! she's already out sledding- the precursor to her years on the slopes!
    i hope everybody is feeling better! how sad to be sick over christmas!

  3. What a cute blog and photos! I am so jealous of the snow and I want an Anne Marie wink so badly. Hope you guys had a wonderful and blessed holiday!
