Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mustang Sally

I learned how to put music on my phone today. It turns out Anne Marie LOVES Mustang Sally. She also loves "Another One Bites the Dust." When they play on my phone, she grabs it, waves it and bops like a wild woman. I wish I had a photo, but I got some great pictures of her winking last week:

I swear the filthy toy is the background isn't one she plays with. It's Rosa's. :)

Anne Marie and I took the week after Christmas off to spend our days together, and I absolutely loved it. It made me wish I was at home full-time, although I did enjoy going back to work as well. I told my boss I would go up to 30 hours in February, but now I'm not sure that's exactly what I want to do. I work from home sometimes now, so I think I'll just work from home a bit more maybe.

In other news, I'm still worried about Anne Marie and her motor skills. She still isn't really crawling, and she's almost 1. She just recently started trying. Here's what she looks like. That one pesky leg won't go behind her. She is way flexible though! There is absolutely no way I could make my leg do that. We have her 12 month well check in two weeks, so perhaps I'll ask then.


  1. Those are some super cute winking photos!!! I want one!!! I will keep Anne Marie in my prayers that everything will come together soon. Then it will be watch out world!! Love ya!

  2. oh wow! so cute! she totally gets how to work the camera. :) i hope things work out with her crawling. kids seem to follow their own beat in developmental stuff, so i'm betting it won't end up a big deal in the long run. it sounds like you're on top of it with her check-up, so she'll end up where she needs to be. she has great music taste! :)
