Saturday, March 29, 2008

My mother's curse

Last night, my mother's curse from my childhood hit me last night, about 11 p.m.

I guess when I was a baby/child, I never slept through the night. It wasn't until I was about 2 1/2 that my mom could be assured a good night's sleep. She always told me she hoped I had a kid just like me. :)

I thought I'd escaped the curse when Anne Marie started sleeping through the night at about 6 months old. But these last few weeks, the curse has come to haunt me.

Last night was horrible. At about 11 p.m., Anne Marie woke up. I let her fuss for a bit, but it was clear she wasn't going back to sleep on her own, so I tried rocking her for awhile. She just kept pointing at her stuffed animals and screaming to get down and play. I gave up for awhile, and decided to lay with her on the couch and listen to soothing music. Didn't work. So at 12:30 a.m., I decided to take a drive. She falls asleep EVERY time she is in the car.

In the car, she spent about 30 minutes waving her arms and giggling, so we went home. I stuck her on the floor with her baby doll, then closed my eyes and laid on the couch. She was happy to hang out and play. At about 2 or so, I said, "It's time for bed." Total scream meltdown. I stuck her in the crib, and I'm assuming she fell asleep at some point. I was out to the world.

I'm sure that the childhood experts would have a hey-day with all of the things I did wrong, but sometimes you're just too tired to read the parenting books. :) So I just let her party on.

This is the face you love during the day. At night, it makes you cry.


  1. Oh man, why did your mom curse you like that? It really sounds like she is a wild child? She loves adventure, huh? I can't wait to see her in May!!!

  2. oooh- i know that face! :) k still does this every now and then and i do the same thing. it's just that as he gets older, he finds me sleeping soundly as he plays and jumps on me. which freaks me out.
    i think having a dog helps this situation- i never worry he'll escape the house b/c granite won't let him. :)
