Friday, March 14, 2008

Tough woman

The other day, Anne Marie and I were running down the hills at Bartz field. It's one of her favorite activities, and it gets me plenty of exercise.

As I was catapulting with the stroller down the hill (Anne Marie likes it fast), I heard screams of "EMILY!!" It was two of the women from my Bradley birth class, walking with their babies around the field. Since the three of us represent all but one in the class, we took a commemorative photo. It's posted above. I zoomed in on the babies so you could see something.

Note the dress. The little boys are in full winter gear - blankets, hats, double coats, etc. Poor Anne Marie has a hat and her lighter winter jacket. I don't think it's because I didn't dress her well. I think it's because she's a tough woman. She absolutely hates to be too warm. She comes from hearty stock, and she'd much rather feel a bit of chill from the early spring air.

I wish I had a photo of her first day skiing last week, but it didn't work out. It's true she isn't walking yet, but I took her up the rope tow at Kelly Canyon, and we whizzed down. She loved it! Next year, she'll be ripping up the slopes. :)


  1. Who took the picture if it was only you and Anne Marie running up and down the hill? Why do you hate Reggie, Rosa, and your mother?

  2. Anne Marie is a wild woman!!! That is cool that she likes neat to meet up with your classmates...

  3. dude- you are one tough motha. and you have a seriously brave little girl. she's awesome- i love that she likes to zip down hills and that picture is so great! (but where are the mommy heads?!)
