Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Working Before Kids

I know it’s only been three years, but even within six or seven months of being a mother, the “before kids” part of my life seemed like a hazy memory. Perhaps it’s the lack of sleep.
Julia at Working Mommy Wednesday asked how working life was different before kids. I can say it was totally, completely different.
Up until a year ago, I worked in the newspaper industry. I started out as a reporter, working whatever hours I needed, but always plenty of them. For three Christmases in a row, I worked until the evening Christmas eve, and was back at work by Christmas afternoon. Like my fellow reporters, I went out late every weekend, and sometimes a few weeknights as well.
When I became a features editor, my hours were more stable, but even longer. I thought nothing of the fact that I worked a 13-hour day every Wednesday to make sure that my arts magazine left the building OK, and even on the other days rarely only worked 8 hours. It was fun. I loved it.
Then came two weeks of bedrest (worked through it, from home), and the early birth of my daughter. I knew I wanted 12 weeks maternity leave AFTER she came home from the nicu, so I started working from home two days after I got home from the hospital, still recovering from the c-section and visiting Anne Marie several times a day.
When those 12 weeks were up, I knew I couldn’t (and didn’t want to) go back to what I was doing. I told my boss that I wanted to work 30 hours a week, mostly from home. He agreed to it, and I settled into a schedule of playing with Anne Marie during parts of the day, then working feverishly in the late evenings, naptimes and any down-time I could find to get it done.
Now I work a standard, 8-5 work week. Working late is out of the question. I get off work at 5, and the kids’ daycare closes at 5:30. Even if I could work later, though, I wouldn’t. Having kids has made me much more adament about my work-life balance. I work hard at work, but when I’m done, I’m done. I don’t think about it, I don’t worry about it. At 5 p.m., work shuts off, and fun with the kids begins.
I wouldn’t really have it any other way.


  1. Sounds like you've found a great life balance! Reading through all the WDW posts today I've found a common theme that we all worked mad hours before kids. I like to think we've balanced that energy into our children and still work the same hours if not more!

  2. yes, great balance. so important to be DONE at the end of the day. and how great of you to have a boss so accomodating!!

  3. I wouldn't have it any other way either! Great to meet you -- visiting from WMW! God Bless!
