Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things I Have Hit With the Van This Month

Hopefully, this won't become an ongoing series:

From Teton Park and fair

No, I didn't hit Thomas. I hit that wonderful backpack he is sitting in — ran it right over. I thought that backpack would make it through two, possibly three children.

RIP Kelty backpack, July 2009- September 2010 - Here is a photo from when the backpack first came to our family.
From Anne Marie 5 months

I did find another one on Craigslist, not quite as nice as mine was pre-hitting, but still pretty good.

Another casualty:
From baseball and kitties

No, I didn't hit Anne Marie. I ran over my glasses. Matt found them in the driveway. It's just another reason I should wear glasses when I drive.

RIP: Emily's first pair of glasses - August 2010-September 2010


  1. I didn't know you were wearing glasses...we REALLY need to talk again SOON.

  2. Oh, by the way - they look GREAT on you! And I love Thomas' hair!

  3. You know what would help you not run over your glasses? wearing GLASSES!! :) Sorry to hear the van has the hunger, it can be hard to break a vehicle of eating things that matter to us.

  4. What about the gate?I guess it doesn't count since the van was the victim.

  5. The gate doesn't qualify for many reasons. It was four months ago, so not this month, and I wasn't driving, just holding the gate.
