Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When I'm overwhelmed at work

Julia at Working Mommy Wednesday asked two questions: What do you do when work overwhelms you, and little things I love.
I'm happy to say that I have a job that doesn't overwhelm me too often. I went from a job with constant, tight, hard deadlines to one with deadlines with much more warning. It was one of the best work-life choices I could have made.

But, when I haven't had enough sleep, things feel awfully overwhelming. So, I close my office door, lay down on the floor and stretch my arms as far as I can. Then I lay there for 5 minutes. Ahhh....

Here are two of the little things I love:

The boy who runs everywhere:
From Darby Canyon September 2010

And the girl who takes her princess purse hiking.
From Yellowstone 2010


  1. So cute! I should try a nap sometime. I have room under my desk to store a little blanket and pillow, I've just never thought of it.

  2. I need to try this! I've always wanted to close my office door and lie on the floor. Yes, thinking about those kiddos is the best stress relief. It's all for them!

  3. i love when my daughter takes her purse or her "cell phone" or other things with her every where she goes!! :)
