Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can I really do it all?

A lot of days, I feel like I am just barely staying afloat. Some days, things just fall into place.

Take Monday. I had a full day of work, picked up the kids, and went home. Matt was working an evening shift, so we were on our own, but I still managed to make dinner, even without my trusty crockpot, complete with protein, veggies and starch. But that's not all. We made cookies and cut them out, even with Thomas "helping." We did the dishes, with Thomas emptying the dishwasher and handing me utensils and dishes one at a time. The flour-covered children were bathed and bedded by 8:30 p.m. It was a holiday miracle.

I love the days when you can actually do it all.



  1. Wow - I am tired just reading about your long day...

    It is true that the days that you "can do it all" help get you through the days when you say, "I quit."

    Good for you!

  2. getting thru the days is tough. i find that most days,i need my kids to get me thru... they bring so much joy. and things go alot smoother when they "help"... otherwise, i stress about them getting in the way and it makes it worse!!

  3. It's a nice feeling the day is "accomplished", huh?
