Friday, May 21, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Do you have an iPhone and, if so, how do you get apps and what are your favorites?

I don't have an iPhone. I don't really want one, but I do dream of a Droid. I think I'm in love with Google.

2. What is your fondest memory of K-3rd grade?
I went to several kindergartens because we moved around a lot that year. It was a wild time, and honestly, I can't think of one particular memory, but my mom had the wonderful idea of writing things down for me in a journal I dictated to her in kindergarten.

One of my favorite entries is "Today at school Mrs. Frandsen gave me a piece of birthday cake."

Alone, it's not that interesting. My mom taught at that school, and we both left mid-year. I didn't see or think of Mrs. Frandsen for 22 more years- she wasn't even ever my teacher. More than two decades later, I was back in Montana and dating her son. Now, she's my mother-in-law. Who would have thought? Without that journal, I wouldn't have ever known that are paths crossed.

3. What makes you cringe at the thought of touching?

I will touch just about anything.

4. If you could have any celebrity show up on your doorstep who would it be and why?

I think it would be really neat to have mean old Gordon Ramsey come and cook me something nice.

5. What would you say is your best physical feature?

My blue eyes


  1. I said my eyes too! I love Hell's Kitchen- I wish he could come cook for me too!

  2. Alex, I have definitely touched emus. Twice.
