Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 1

1 lb at a time

So, for week 1, Lisa @This Mommy Works asked, "What makes you feel good about yourself?"

It's a tough one. I don't really feel bad about myself, but it's still hard to pinpoint what makes me feel good about myself.

I do like that I am strong. I don't exercise like I should anymore, and I took a fitness assessment at work, with the goal of shaming myself into more workouts. I wanted to see how bad it had gotten.

To my surprise, it wasn't too bad. Although my weight/BMI is considered super-obese, my body fat percentage is in the appropriate zone, and all of the fitness tests, with the exception of flexibility, put me in the "fit" category. My bicep strength test wasn't even on the charts, and my endurance on the bike was "excellent." I don't take this as a sign that my fatness is good by any means, but I am impressed at the wonder that is my body. It can take a licking and keep on ticking.

I won't know how much weight I've lost this week until weigh-in tonight, but I hope it's something. From my three goals, I decided to hit the fruits and vegetables this week, and it's working out splendidly. I bought a huge basket of fruits and vegetables through this co-op program. It was awesome - $15 for:

• four artichokes
• one honeydew melon
• one cantaloupe
• 1 1/2 pints blackberries
• one giant bunch of spinach
• four kiwis
• three bunches of bananas
• one bunch of Romaine
• two bags of radishes
• five tomatoes
• a five-pound bag of apples
• two cucumbers

How could I not eat my fruits and veggies? We still have cucumbers left because I had already bought some, some tomatoes, the kiwis (they weren't ripe yet) and the cantaloupe and 1/2 pint of blackberries, but we've done everything else in. I ordered the basket again this week. We'll see if it's always such a good deal!


  1. Great for you that you surprised yourself with your own strength!
    I looked into the coop program and need to order our box --- on the to-do list!

  2. Wow, that is a fantastic deal for the huge basket of food!

    Good luck with your weigh-in, I hope you see numbers that make you smile.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm glad you like the book carnival!

  3. that is an awesome purchase!! I am so proud of you Emily! Keep up the great job!
