Monday, May 3, 2010

Mom and me

I really like this picture of Anne Marie and I. We were in Moab, on our way to Albuquerque, and that night, we decided that Anne Marie and I would share a bed, and Thomas and Matt would share a bed. Anne Marie wanted me to take a photo to celebrate the occasion.

From Albuquerque

Also on our trip, take a look at this one Matt took for us. We were trying to look like we had hit the cliff, then were stuck, Looney Tunes style. I'm not sure it worked out. Not a flattering photo of either of out butts — mine is very lumpy and her white shorts have that Moab-red hue to them, but it was still a good memory.

From Albuquerque

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  1. Aww that first one is really cute! And the second one? Halarious! Not just any mom would belly up to a cliff loony toons style, that's awesome!

  2. what fun pics ...Happy Monday!

  3. how cute! what a fun memory to share! :)

  4. Loved the first one..all snuggled into bed..and the second one just plain cracks me up. So fun. ANd what memories!! Thanks so much for joining in. Hope you had a lovely day!
