Friday, May 28, 2010

Welcome and our newest arrival

I see you've made it to my new blog URL. Welcome!

In our house, we've welcomed this guy:

From princess balloons and Tigger

This is Tigger, Anne Marie's new cat. She also calls him "Potato Eye." My grandmother recently needed to find homes for her cats. We took this one.

I thought Anne Marie would be disturbed by Potato Eye. She is obsessed with eyes and mouths and has a lot of fears, so I thought this might be another one. I even gave her the choice of another car- she picked Potato Eye. She absolutely adores him. We weren't too keen on becoming a three-cat household again, but in the end, we adore him too.

On another note, we went to Applebees on Wednesday (99 cent kids meals), and Anne Marie wanted a balloon animal as we were leaving. The balloon lady instead gave her a full fairy princess costume made from balloons, complete with a gigantic wand.

From princess balloons and Tigger

Here is a crown close-up:
From princess balloons and Tigger

Against my better judgement — Thomas always tries to bite balloons and I have to be constantly on guard for potential choking — Thomas got a dog on a leash.

From princess balloons and Tigger

1 comment:

  1. thanks for linking up to Working Mommy Network and proudly displaying the button on your blog! so looking forward to getting to know you!!

