Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who is cold?

Over-bundled up children have always been a mystery to me.

I put coats on my children, just like anyone else. If it's really cold, I have no problem adding a hat and mittens. But it seems the people around me think I'm trying to freeze them.

I hear it all the time. When Anne Marie was about 7 or 8 months old, a woman scolded me for taking her into the refrigerated vegetable section at Costco in shorts and a tank top. When Thomas was about that age, someone told me that his feet were blue, and that either the baby wrap he was in was cutting off the circulation, or his feet were too cold. He wasn't wearing shoes, but it wasn't that cold. His feet were blue because the socks he had worn earlier dyed them.

Yesterday, I picked Thomas up from daycare, and he was wearing someone else's coat, because I had neglected to bring him one. I didn't send him with a coat, because it's JUNE (a cool June, but still). It was about 65 degrees outside. Did he really need a coat? Of course, yesterday I brought a coat, and I saw him out playing in his sleeveless shirt. It was 65 degrees yesterday, too.

Maybe my kids will grow up and move to Florida because they've been cold all their lives, but for now, I think they're fine.

Brought to you by: Mama’s Losin’ It

The writing prompt this week was: We’re too old to be getting in trouble…aren’t we? Write about a time you were scolded…as an adult.


  1. Everyone always has an opinion don't they. Those stories cracked me up! -Laverne stopping by from Momma Kat's

  2. Love this! I'm on your side. Even here in Florida we get those comments. :)
    (hi from MK's)

  3. We got scolded in China, they REALLY bundle up their kids there, all year long, and we were even inside a hotel. SHe had tights and a short sleeved dress on. I just pretended I didn't understand what the lady was saying, so she tried to tell me again and again, I just played dumb. :)
