Thursday, July 8, 2010


This has nothing to do with my normal blog stuff, but I read this today, and was disturbed:

The headline reads, "American Dream Is Elusive for New Generation."

So you would expect to find a story about a young person who is desperate to find a job, but can't find anything, right?

Wrong. The young man hadn't found any jobs that were good enough for his brilliance.

The young man was offered a job, but since it was only $40,000 a year at an insurance company, he saw it as a dead-end and turned it down. Seriously?

I always thought the American dream involved working hard while looking for new opportunities and creating a better life for yourself. I didn't think you could be expected to get the American dream living with your parents and waiting for the perfect job to fall in your lap.

The headline should read, "Humility and Work Ethic Are Elusive for New Generation."

1 comment:

  1. Puke. Don't they know if they don't take a job they are going to end up moving back in with their parents?

    I guess that would be okay with mom and dad, since this is the generation raised by helicopter parents anyhow.

    Gag me.
