Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Late Start

I like to say that I don't live by the watch.

The truth is, I'm just always late. I was due to be born Feb. 2, and I wasn't born until March 11, and that was WITH prodding. I still haven't caught up. For some reason, I have a phobia of being early to things. I always worry that I'll be the first one there. Why would that matter? Who knows.

I make every effort to be on time for things that matter — I don't blow off friends, and I've always made job interviews on time. But on anything that's even a bit flexible, I'm hopeless.

Thankfully, for the children's sake, my husband is as obsessed with being on time as I am with being late. I don't think we've ever been late to church on his watch. I don't think we've ever been on time when he wasn't coming. I think we're on time for a movie if the previews aren't over. Matt thinks we're on time if we're 10 minutes early.

Being late has caused my poor children trouble. When Anne Marie was little, I used to sometimes take her to Book Babies, our story time for ages 0-2. I'm easily distracted, so it takes me forever to leave the house. Book Babies started right on time, every time, and the whole event is only 20 minutes. So if you're 10 minutes late, it's half over.

I worry that this dreamy little girl has my problem.

From Easter 2011

Last week, it took me 32 minutes to pick her up from daycare. She had too much "to do" before we could leave. I know exactly how long it was because on Wednesdays, we go straight from daycare to dance class. I pick her up at 5:10 or so, and we have to be at dance class across town at 5:30.

Needless to say, we were late.


  1. I'm the early bird, and my hubby is always late... I wonder if that's a common pairing for couples (one of each)?

  2. Cute blog - stopping by from WMW! I do agree, I hate being the first one somewhere, but I don't like being the last one either.

  3. Stopping by from WMW... sometimes late just happens even when we try!

  4. that's funny that you and your husband are opposites like that. at least you have a little balance!
